journal example

Wings of Inspiration: Bird-Themed Journal Prompts to Elevate Your Writing

Journaling is a storytelling practice. Journal writing is also a self-inquiry practice, a reflective practice, a meaning making practice. Writing about our inner lives and outer worlds helps us make sense of our experiences, helps us heal, and helps us grow. Journal writing is a way of noticing and acknowledging the mystery, wonder, complexity ... Read More >>

2024-04-12T15:43:34-07:00April 12th, 2024|Journal Examples|

Heron – James Bay, Prevost Island by Duncan Elsey

This is a beautiful example of journaling in nature.  It is also an example of how journaling can become poetry, and how meaningful self-reflection is possible through stories and words... Heron - James Bay, Prevost Island by Duncan Elsey A heron skims the calm grey water, chasing its own reflection across the mirror flat surface. ... Read More >>

2021-11-22T14:03:13-08:00November 22nd, 2021|Journal Examples, Journaling for Men, Poetry & Journaling|
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