Poetry & Journaling

Poetic writing can naturally emerge in the pages of your journal.  Many journal writers have a love of poetry, words and stories.  Many poets keep journals. Be inspired by the poems within our IAJW Journal Blog!

Heron – James Bay, Prevost Island by Duncan Elsey

This is a beautiful example of journaling in nature.  It is also an example of how journaling can become poetry, and how meaningful self-reflection is possible through stories and words... Heron - James Bay, Prevost Island by Duncan Elsey A heron skims the calm grey water, chasing its own reflection across the mirror flat surface. ... Read More >>

2021-11-22T14:03:13-08:00November 22nd, 2021|Journal Examples, Journaling for Men, Poetry & Journaling|

Words by Denise Simmons

Words Words created, used, shaped into form Expressions born Single, duo, trioʼs and more Language shopping store Fantasy of words, spoken, written, Sometimes signed Created master pieces, words, riddles, rhymes, Letters, even musical chimes Shaping lives, history, love and glory Expressions of real human stories Seeing in heart how words create beautiful Mosaic ART Leaving ... Read More >>

2021-09-03T11:46:10-07:00May 15th, 2019|Poetry & Journaling|

YES – A Poem by Hiro Boga

YES now this is what I feed myself: sleep in the nest of my feather bed; buttered cream of wheat with goat’s milk and cardamom beethoven quartets, shimmering jazz renata tebaldi’s legs wrapped around verdi. poems that bloom like roadside daisies jane hirshfield, seamus heaney basho. rilke white chrysanthemums in a blue vase my fingers ... Read More >>

2021-09-03T11:46:29-07:00April 1st, 2019|Poetry & Journaling|
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