During our recent IAJW Member event, in our Writing Alone Together Circle, our theme was Growing Gratitude.

I find that during these complex times we are living in, it is so important to have practices that can ground and support us to maintain our optimism, well-being and hope. For me, two of these practices are my journaling and gratitude practices.

They can also be combined and we can engage in gratitude journaling.

During our Writing Alone Together Circle, I provided a number of gratitude journaling prompts which included this activity:

Dear Gratitude, (Write a love letter to gratitude itself)

Here is what I wrote in our circle…

From the Pages of My Journal…

Dear Gratitude:

I never want to forget how important you are to me. You’re like the most reliable friend I’ve ever known.

You pick me up when I’m down.

You remind me of all the good in my life, the good in me, the good in others, the good in our world.

You give in countless ways. You are a blessing big and small.

You hold me up, soothe me, remind me of what I’m made of.

Gratitude you are like fresh cut Dalia’s, a snuggly puppy, a cool drink of water…

you bring beauty and love and nourishment into my life, into the world.

Gratitude, YOU are the magnet of miracles.

Each time I remember you, anything is possible!

Thank you, Lynda

It’s Your Turn

There was lots of beautiful and powerful journal writing shared in our circle.  I invite you to share your response to this same journaling activity in the comments below.  It is a way for us to grow gratitude individually and collectively.

Thank you!

Our gratitude is good medicine for times like these!