Sometimes I write by Ahava Shira
Although I am a consistent writer, writing in my journal several times a week and on my laptop several more, my writing is not always consistent.
This doesn’t mean that I am not doing the writing right.
it just means that I am being true to the way the words are coming out at that moment.
Sometimes I write about situations or relationships in my life that are troubling me.
Sometimes I write about activities or practices that bring me joy.
Sometimes all I need is one word or a phrase at the start of the page to ignite my creative fire and off I go, on a wild, uncertain journey into the imagination.
Sometimes I start writing about something serious and then head off into humour and playfulness.
Sometimes it’s a memory that leads me onward, whether triggered by a thought or emotion, a conversation with family or looking at the photo of a dear friend.
Sometimes my reason for writing is as simple as wanting to celebrate the beauty I see on my walk along Roland Road or in the forest or on the beach.
Sometimes there is a longer term issue that keeps asking for my attention and reflection on the page.
Sometimes writing about the hard stuff is easy.
Sometimes writing about the loveliness is hard.
Your Turn: Sometimes I Write …
Please share your response to this simple journaling prompt:
Sometimes I write….
It would be fun and inspiring to read what others have to say about this. I hope you will add your voice to our blog! Simply comment below :)
Thanks. Your words matter!
Let me fall if I must. The one I will become will catch me.
~ Baal Shem Tov
Guest Author
Ahava Shira, PhD is a long-time journal writer, published poet, memoirist and midwife of the creative process whose passion is helping writers develop the courage and confidence to tell their stories and share them with others. Co-author of Writing Alone Together: Journalling in a Circle of Women for Creativity, Compassion & Connection, Ahava has helped a diversity of writers express themselves freely and deeply with words including middle and high school students, midlife and retiring women, clients in a mental health drop-in centre and people with chronic illness. To learn more about her current online programs, including the nourishing month-long Immerse Yourself happening in March, visit her website at and be sure to sign up for her newsletter so you can receive a free copy of Writing Yourself Through Change, a 7-module transformational writing journey with prompts and practices for gracefully navigating life’s bumps and curves.
Sometimes I write…
Like today’s the last day that I can.
Or I write on my Pixel because my pain’s too mean to let me sit at my table & hold a pen.
Sometimes I write my dreams. I wish I could recall them better. I chase them when I have to get up to an alarm.
Sometimes… there’s “crazy” things I’m not ready to share.
Sometimes I write pretty good poetry.
Sometimes I write… nothing. For no particular reason, or because of everything.
Hi Blue, thanks for adding your words. I enjoyed reading this!
Blue, I love your poetic voice, the honesty of your words. The sound of it in my head as I read it was musical. Thank you!!
Sometimes I write to stop crying. My husband of 55 years just died. We were as one.
Sometimes I write to find out what really happened.
Sometimes I write to see if I still can.
Sometimes I write to explain something.
Sometimes I write to find out what I think and feel.
Sometimes I write to share it with others.
Sometimes I write to keep from feeling alone.
Ariadne, your words reached into me with their simple raw truths. Thank you!
So sorry for your loss Ariadne, I know the feeling; my husband died 5 weeks ago. Sometimes writing can help.
Dear Ariadne & Patricia, a note of condolences and care to you both on the recent losses of your husbands. May journaling support you during this time of grief, transition and healing.
Ariadne, and Patricia, I read your words again and feel for your losses. I wish for you that your words help you find some ease and comfort in the grieving and deep sorrow.
Sometimes I write when I’m so sad I can’t even talk about it.
Sometimes I write to describe my days: a simple ‘normal’ day or an intricate day, full of decisions to make and actions to take.
Sometimes I write to show my gratitude.
Sometimes I write to keep my mind centered and my heart alive.
Sometimes I write because it helps me to keep breathing and walking through all the suffering and loss I’m experiencing now.
And finally, sometimes I don’t write.
Thank you for this opportunity, Lynda!
Patricia, my heart resonated with the detailed depth of your words. Thank you!
Sometimes I write because I want to connect with my inner child who still awaits my warm embrace
Sometimes I write because I have been avoiding myself for a while
Sometimes I write because, I need to reconnect back with my soul, to attend to someone seeking the most attention and time
Sometimes I write because my writing gives me the required companionship in my loneliest times!
Sometimes I write because I need clarity of thoughts, surfacing up from the deeply embedded subconscious mind that needs both healing and attention
Mehnaz, your words remind me of the different kinds, and kindnesses, of listening we do when we write in our journals. Thank you!
Thank you.
Patricia, my heart resonated with the rich detail of your words. Thank you!
Sometimes I write when Im so angry I can’t speak. It reminds me this anger is really unexpressed grief.
I was raised as a child to be taught not to cry, threatened and beaten and taught to lie.
Through writing I learned that I was taught to skip sadness and replace it with fury, reaching out to hurt others , at my skipped step of sadness. Be kind to angry people they often need your love more than madness.
Hurt people – hurt people.
Hi Erin, thank you for sharing your writing and heart in words. Your writing is a voice, a powerful, honest voice. Thank you again.
Erin, your words are courageous, in sharing the journey of learning how we adopt and adapt our being in response to circumstances. Thank you for sharing so honestly and wisely.