We have our “Ask a Coach” Feature where you are welcome to send us any question you might have specific to journaling and life writing and we will offer an answer or suggestions for you!
Question from Amy, IAJW Member:
I find with the COVID-19 pandemic, and having an underlying persistent pain issue for which I must take a biologic drug, that I’m more tired from the stress of it all and the extra concerns. Also, the changes in work, finances, family being seriously ill (some aging related, some other illnesses, some COVID,) in another state and the inability to travel there easily – is all draining. Is there a good writing prompt that will help me unpack my serious exhaustion with this that you can think of?
Answer from Coach, Joyce Chapman, Author of Journaling for Joy and other great books!
1. WRITE A LETTER to “someone” and tell them, in as much detail as you can, exactly what is bothering you. Let a day go by and then pretend that you just got this letter in the mail. Read the letter and write and write a response to it. Tell this person exactly what they can do about all of this…BE THE EXPERT.
2. HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH AN EXPERT ABOUT ALL “THIS” (this exercise is taken from my Journaling for Joy book)
Conversing With Another Person. Another important and enlightening form of dialogue and communication with oneself is creating a conversation with another person. These dialogues can lead to resolving an inner conflict or sense of unease over a recent or longstanding difficulty. They can help you get a better grasp of your own position while gaining insights into someone else’s point of view. Conversations can be especially useful when you need advice or guidance from an expert or mentor, and when you need someone to serve as a model for the type of achievement or success to which you aspire. They can aid you in appreciating the value of a past or present relationship. A conversation can also help prepare you for an upcoming encounter in which you want to be your best.
Thank you, Joyce – for sharing your wisdom and great writing exercises!
Please note, for other resources to support you during this COVID pandemic, you can find free interviews and journaling tools – click here!
Joyce Chapman, MA, is a Dream Coach and author of many books. She is also a member of our IAJW Journal Council and creator of the Live Your Dream course.
Hello Joy Chapman
I was referred to you by Lynda Monk. Perhaps with all your journal expertise you could advise me.
I possess stacks of journals that are 95% on paper and about %5 on computer from decades of writing. When I think of them I feel overwhelmed and that I should do something with them to benefit from all my writing. The journals were very helpful particularly for keeping a record of my anxieties of life and occasionally major life events repeated here and there. I don’t know what to do with these journals now. Occasionally I think of creating a memoir. I desire to know what you recommend ?
Take care,
Sandra Bartman
Hi Sandra!
When I read this, I thought why didn’t Lynda recommend that you ask Shelia Bender first then maybe sign up to take the upcoming workshop with her.)*
*SO coping this:
This week’s Wondrous Wednesday Feature Offer (which has become the Thursday offer ;) is $30 off of our upcoming 6 week course, From Journal to Memoir with memoirist, poet and writing teacher, Sheila Bender. This course starts on Tuesday, September 7th with the kick-off class on Zoom.
And then I thought…well likely because Lynda knows… I love answering questions about journaling.
When I facilitate workshops and a participant asks a question I often reply with “If these were my questions I’d start off by writing the questions like: 1.What do I want to do my all my journals, now? (I often like to mind map when asking a question that has lots of ideas/choices,.etc.) 2. Do I want to write my memoir? If yes then how do I want to begin? If no, then write why not? “
Please feel free to ask me more questions here or write to me at dreams@joycechapman.com and I’ll reply right away!
In joy, Joyce