Created by Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC
Spirited Self-Care Guided Meditation (13:42 minutes) is recorded with Lynda Monk.
Are there times when your own self-care falls to the bottom of your to do list? Perhaps “me time” doesn’t even make it on your list of priorities in the first place? You are not alone.
Allow yourself some guilt-free self-care. Take some time for YOU with the help of this Spirited Self-Care Guided Meditation & Journaling Tool.
The benefits of self-care are far reaching in mind, body, heart and spirit. This tool helps you affirm your self-care needs and feel supported.
After doing the guided meditation, take time to journal and reflect on the insights you gained with the help of 20+ Self-Care Journal Prompts!
In the words of Jon Kabat-Zinn…
“It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.”
Let this Spirited Self-Care Guided Meditation & Journaling Tool take you on a restorative self-caring journey within!
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