International Association for Journal Writing Annual Membership

International Association for Journal Writing Annual Membership

It matters to live a fully self-expressed life!  You can enrich your life with journaling… maybe you seek clarity for making a decision; or perhaps you want to write to heal or improve your health; or you just want to get the thoughts and feelings that swirl around within you out on the page to make sense and meaning of your experiences.

Let your inner wisdom be your true guide through journaling!  

Whether you are a new journal writing trying to figure out how to get started or a seasoned journaler wanting to take your practice to new depths – become an IAJW Member for creative inspiration, ideas and community to juice up your journal writing!

“I am thankful to be a member of the IAJW. I am thankful for all of the prompts and support that is available to me as a member. In my current personal journey, with all its challenges and complications, IAJW is a lifeline that has made me feel stronger and more confident and more optimistic about what lies ahead.” Jane Bryony-Shaw, IAJW Member

Get fresh ideas with our journaling prompts, courses, ebooks, tools, tips and more.  Join our live member-only monthly writing circles on Zoom and be inspired during our monthly interactive expert interviews.  Learn more about our unique member benefits below!  Connection fuels our creative self-expression.  Join the IAJW now to get the most out of your journaling and to…

  • Deepen your journaling
  • Gain more insights, clarity and self-awareness
  • Write consistently
  • Discover new things to journal about
  • Connect with fellow journal writers
  • Be inspired
  • Create, write, learn, discover & grow!

Plus, receive The Great Journaling Journey course FREE (value $67.00) when you become a member!

Our annual membership is a convenient subscription model and renews automatically on your renewal date. You can cancel your membership at any time. We hope you will love it and stay with us into the future! 

See more details >>

$147.00 / year

  • You will get instant access to your digital products, courses and membership upon payment.
  • Please Note: by completing your purchase you are agreeing to be bound by our terms and conditions.

Membership has its advantages!

The International Association for Journal Writing will deepen and enrich your journaling experience and potentially change your life–whether you are a novice, casual, experienced, or dedicated journal writer. Within the members-only area, you’ll find inspiration, information, lively discussion, and interaction about all elements of journal writing. You will also connect with a vibrant community of creative and caring journal writers worldwide! 

I often think about how different my journaling world has been since becoming a member of IAJW. While journaling has been such an important part of my life since 1974, it was pretty much a solitary journey, aside from the occasional journal workshops I would facilitate. People in my life knew about my extensive collection of journals, but that’s where it ended. Now I am loving being part of a community of like-minded individuals and having the opportunity to share with them in a variety of ways. It has opened new doors for me, and I am immensely grateful.” Merle R. Saferstein, IAJW Member

Join now and learn…

  • how to write more deeply, authentically, and often
  • what to do when when you feel stuck and don’t know what to write
  • how to get out of a rut of writing about the same stuff over and over
  • how to write for emotional balance, or improving your health, or connecting to your spiritual side
  • how to turn journal articles into personal essays, poems and more polished pieces
  • how to enrich your life through journaling

The IAJW inspires creative, expressive and healthy living through journaling!  

The IAJW classes are a wonderful resource for me. I live more than an hour from Seattle, and driving in to town to attend classes or writing groups just isn’t practical. The online format makes it possible for me to participate and connect with interesting people and new ideas.”– C.Landwehr, Enumclaw WA

For a membership fee of just $147.00 per year you will receive encouragement, new ideas, techniques, and tips about how to juice up your journaling, plus access to a community of like-minded journal writers.  Our annual membership is a convenient subscription model and renews automatically on your renewal date. You can cancel your membership at any time in the year and it simply won’t renew. Live an inspired, happy and authentic life through journaling!

Join now and you’ll have access to:

  • monthly virtual writing circles to help you go to the page and write
  • practical articles from journal writing experts in our member-only article library
  • live ZoomChats – inspiring guest interviews every month with a different expert in the journal writing field
  • member-only audio library with inspiring interviews with creativity, journaling and life writing experts
  • over 60 journaling and life writing tips from our Journal Council experts
  • submit your questions to “Ask Our Coach” and have the answer featured on our blog
  • 20% discount for all IAJW classes, audio programs, online courses, e-books, coaching programs and transformational journal writing tools
  • Plus, receive The Great Journaling Journey course FREE (value $67.00) when you become a member!

Join NOW & be part of our fun and inspiring global journaling community! 

“Communities aren’t places.  Communities are people with shared experiences.”~ Kathy MacNeil

Create a powerful personal writing practice that can bring benefits to all areas of your life and well-being, one journal entry at at time.

Members love our live IAJW journaling events!

This is what one member said about our Year End Journaling Gathering…

I spent time yesterday going through the meditations, prompts, and journaling. It was life giving. I felt like I got a grasp on 2021 and feel inspired and organized for 2022. Thank you so much for all you do to make IAJW such a fantastic resource and opportunity for community. ~ Shelly Pettibone, IAJW Member

For years, I’ve been searching for a community of fellow journalers. I am thrilled to be part of such a supportive group of writers who understand the value of journaling, are devoted to learning more about themselves and the world through the process, and happily share their insights with the rest of us. I encourage anyone with a love for the written word and the power of journaling to join IAJW to discover the amazing benefits of this practice!

– Vicky DeCoster, Life Transitions Coach and Author

Join NOW and receive immediate access to everything you need for keeping a journal that brings depth, improvement, growth and new insights. All the content is available exclusively over the Internet and 2 live Member events per month are held on Zoom.  More information is added often.  It is our mission to help you enrich your life with journaling.  We provide you with fresh ideas and inspiration for your journaling, as well as a sense of community with fellow journal writers worldwide.  Join us!

Be inspired. Write. Learn. Connect. Create. Grow.   

JOIN NOW & Receive

The Great Journaling Journey course FREE (value $67.00)

Journaling has been my soft place to land since my first “5-year personal diary” until now, many years later. I am still learning, growing and using journaling personally and professionally. Meeting Lynda Monk and coming to the IAJW was like coming home to a family dear to me that I respect, value and know who love Journaling just as much as I do. Being part of the Journal Council, is an honor and I know I can wholeheartedly trust the expertise, the integrity of the organization and the quality of products offered here.  – Nicolle Nattrass, Counsellor, Author, Performer

Approximately ten years ago, before my Memoir Rough Diamond – the story of my adoption, adventures in the African bush and Spirit guiding me home was mined and revealed to the world, I began looking for ways to gain more knowledge about writing an autobiography. I started by going back through old journals and paintings that revealed much of what I was to write about. At the time I was a burnt out healer, creative and fitness coach learning to be a Consciousness Coach®️. I had long stopped writing poetry, songs, or drawing. I coincidentally stumbled into Lynda Monk’s Transformational Writing for Wellness program and I fell in love with the ease of connection Lynda facilitated between time zones and genres of writers. The sharing and appreciation available in her groups helped me gain confidence, and trust in my voice to write again without censure. Essentially and meaningfully, she helped me fall in love with writing anew and I took up my pen and over the next few years was able to finish and publish my book in which I credit her and Peter Allan (Lynda’s supportive husband) for being among the most pivotal people involved in my process. I highly highly recommend Lynda as a coach, support, and healer for your writing journey no matter whether you are published or unpublished. I had tried many programs but hers is still my favorite. I continue to return to her for refreshment and inspiration to this day. – With Love and Appreciation for writers Everywhere, Thea Khama

"I am thankful to be a member of the IAJW. I am thankful for all of the prompts and support that is available to me as a member. In my current personal journey, with all its challenges and complications, IAJW is a lifeline that has made me feel stronger and more confident and more optimistic about what lies ahead." Jane Bryony-Shaw


"If you like writing in a journal you will like it here." Lucinda Swearingen, IAJW Member


"You offer so much at IAJW ... I feel like I sit down at a huge harvest table and feast on a very nourishing meal!!"  Stephanie Needham, IAJW Member


"I am so thankful that you Lynda, and IAJW, have become part of my world, part of my experience on my journey - I can't wait to see what you and IAJW and I discover together this year."  Tammy Fyten, IAJW Member 


"I often think about how different my journaling world has been since becoming a member of IAJW. While journaling has been such an important part of my life since 1974, it was pretty much a solitary journey, aside from the occasional journal workshops I would facilitate. People in my life knew about my extensive collection of journals, but that’s where it ended. Now I am loving being part of a community of like-minded individuals and having the opportunity to share with them in a variety of ways. It has opened new doors for me, and I am immensely grateful."  Merle R. Saferstein, IAJW Member


"I just finished listening to the zoom chat recording with Dr. Bernstein. Wow!! Such a great inspiration!! Great questions and answers!! Thank you so much!!" Patricia Valentini, IAJW Member


"Lynda, you do such a great job interviewing folks!!!  I love your style, energy and presence!!!"  Louise Mathewson, IAJW Member


"I watched and participated in the last writer's circle and the first prompt led to the second one and I started writing about my life with ADHD - I have a hunch my memoir will be a collection of essays and this might be one of them.  I am grateful this has started up again - all set for the next one." - Carol Longenecker Hiestand, IAJW Member


"Thank you very much for hosting Pat Schneider for an hour of delight and insight. Very inspirational. Listening to Pat was inspirational, not because of her past and where she came from, which is amazing, but her youth and vitality that bubbles within her. Her absolute passion [is] to communicate through writing." -Richard Bliss


"I just wanted to say this was a most excellent Telechat on Writing to Heal Trauma. I really want to look into this program with Emilie.  However you came to find her through the universe to present ... I am so grateful! She and you are and were most impressive.  Thanks so much!"  ~ Cheryl Dorrenbacher


"Wonderful Ruth!  Thank you so very much!  There is so much wealth here!" -Kay Whitehead


 "I have been a member from the beginning. The ongoing journal groups I facilitate look forward to the wonderful exercises I share from the wide range of stimulating articles IAJW offers. IAJW is a wonderful resource for me and I am most grateful to be a part of this community."- Joan Leof


"I have been enjoying these journal juice mailings very much!" - M.Bryant


 "Thank you again for sharing your journaling wisdom and depth of knowledge on the subject in a warm and inviting manner.  I appreciate you for being a gracious teacher and look forward to revisiting the call recordings on future walks to keep me inspired to journal more." - Lesley S.


 "I have very real insecurities about my writing, so much so that it is often difficult for me to write from a prompt. But today's experience was so freeing and inspiring that despite some initial intimidation - which I expected to feel - that I was happily able to write, share (gasp!!), and be inspired by the writings that poured out of everyone. You can be sure I'll be joining the next practice session. Cheers to both you and Judy Reeves for bringing this class experience to all of us who long to write." - Joanne Ross 


“I found the IAJW in my online adventures while looking for somewhere to learn more about journaling. What I found was an invaluable, nurturing, exciting place where I could take classes, order some of the best books about memoir writing and the personal essay, listen to amazing writers and teachers talking about their craft. Now, I am embarking on writing my memoir, a journey of a lifetime. I doubt that I would have been ready without becoming a member of the IAJW. And, I doubt whether I would have been able to call myself a writer without all the support and instruction that I’ve received from the IAJW.” –Karin Goldberg, IAJW member


I love that I can always count all the warmth, shared ideas and comraderie of the IAJW community. I appreciate Lynda's leadership, wisdom and loving-kindness which she infuses into all that she does. I also appreciate the courses, tools, and spontaneous writing prompts all of which enhance my journaling, and broaden my point of view. The monthly tele-chats are always lively, and informative and the guests share ideas and in-the-moment experiences that enhance and refresh my journaling and my life. All the way around the IAJW is a treasure that feels like home to me, and it always has. Thank you Lynda! - Cheryl Finley Goggins, IAJW Member


Lynda Monk is a creative, connected, conscious leader in the field of creation. She draws you into her heart and helps you fall in love with writing again! I had given up journalling and writing when I stumbled upon her Transformational Writing for Wellness program online and registered with nervous trepidation. I was overwhelmed upon entry. Due to her expert and deft knowing, courage and kindness, and the sharing space for appreciation  in her courses I took up my pen and over the next few years was able to reflect upon, finish and publish my memoir: Rough Diamond - The story of my adoption, adventures in the African bush and Spirit guiding me home.  I highly recommend Lynda as a coach, support, and healer for your writing journey no matter whether you are published or unpublished. With Love, Thea Khama


Get International Association for Journal Writing Annual Membership here

$147.00 / year

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