How to be a Writer Who Writes

How to be a Writer Who Writes

Creating a sustainable writing practice is the goal of many journal and life writers.

This Creative Writing Kit takes you through the steps, guidelines, and benefits of being a Writer Who Writes. It includes the following:

  • Three Steps to Becoming a Writer Who Writes
  • Twelve Guidelines for a Writing Practice
  • A List of the Many Benefits of a Regular Writing Practice
  • A Checklist for Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice

Also included are easy writing exercises, quotes from notable writers, and a recommended reading list of additional guides and inspirational books. Plus a bonus of several “prompts for your practice.”

By following the easy guidelines in Taking Pen in Hand—How to be a Writer Who Writes you can create a sustainable writing practice that will help you find your writing voice and produce pages and pages of fresh material in the pages of your journal and beyond if you wish!

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Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $5.33.

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Many writers, including journal writers, express their desire to have a regular writing practice but haven’t been able to create one for themselves. The truth is there’s really no magic to becoming a writer who writes. All you have to do is, well—Write.

“Is it really that simple?” students ask. Yes, is it. This DIY Creative Writing Kit can show you how.

Whether you want to create a regular journal writing practice or a creative writing practice (the difference being one is private, the other can be public), all you have to do is follow three easy steps, which are outlined in the Kit.

  1. Claim Yourself as Writer
  2. Make Time to Write
  3. Write

The Taking Pen in Hand—How to be a Writer Who Writes includes twelve guidelines that have been used in scores of writing groups for more than twenty years. These guidelines invite the writer “take pen in hand” and begin, then to keep writing without concern for “rules” of grammar or punctuation, or even without knowing where the pen will take them.

The How to be a Writer Who Writes Kit will also show many of the benefits of having a regular writing practice by focusing on process rather than product, including:

  • honoring commitment
  • building self-esteem
  • enhancing creativity
  • developing trust
  • encouraging spontaneity
  • and many more

This Kit can also serve as a tool for journal writing groups and writers working together to support each other in developing a regular writing practice.

Buy now and be inspired to write!

Judy Reeves

Judy Reeves is an award-winning writer and teacher whose books on the writing craft include A Writer’s Book of Days (named “Best Nonfiction” by the San Diego Book Awards and a “Hottest Books for Writers” by Writer’s Digest), Writing Alone/Writing Together,The Writer’s Retreat Kit, and Wild Women, Wild Voices. Her fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have appeared many journals and anthologies. A long-time teacher of creative writing, she previously taught at UCSD Extension and has led community-based writing practice groups for thirty years. She’s on the faculty of the Southern California Writers’ Conference, a member of the Council of the International Association for Journal Writing, and teaches at writing conferences internationally. She also teaches and leads workshops through San Diego Writers, Ink, a nonprofit literary center she cofounded in 2004. Her awards include those from the San Diego Writers and Editors Guild, San Diego Writer’s Festival, and The African American Writers & Artists Association. Mayor Jerry Sanders declared July 24, 2010 “Judy Reeves Day” in San Diego. Judy’s first memoir, When Your Heart Says Go–My Year of Traveling Beyond Loss and Loneliness was published by She Writes Press in 2023. Judy lives and writes in San Diego, amid bulging bookshelves and an ancient Underwood typewriter that claims its own social media fan base.

“Many thanks for the Introductory Workshop Kit I purchased. It’s led to some terrific times at our table and many a Tuesday we were reluctant to put down our pens.  In my book, that’s the best outcome of all!” ~ Noel Horn


“Along with being an expert in her field, Judy is devoted to guiding individuals in creating a personal daily writing practice.”  ~ Pamela Underwood


“Thanks for shaking me up and inspiring my own muse.” ~ Gina Cameron


“I have recently rekindled my love and desire for writing and I can't describe how helpful your book has been for me. … It has helped me understand who I am as a writer and dive deeper into the process.” ~ Ashley Looker

Get How to be a Writer Who Writes here

Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $5.33.


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