Check out my recent interview with KATU TV from Portland, Oregon on their AM Northwest show where we talk about the benefits of journaling!
Reduce stress, boost happiness and care for yourself with journaling.
Listen here to our interview together. Simply click on the video!
Feel welcome to add a comment below – you might consider the following:
- What stood out to you listening to this interview?
- What do you want to remember?
- What can have value for you?
- How does journaling support you to live well?
Live well with journaling!
Excellent description of how this wonderful tool we can all use benefits us and even those around us!
Thanks for watching, Gayle. I appreciate your positive feedback.
Nice to see caregivers spotlighted and easy creative tips they (and anyone can use)to refill their own cup !
Thanks Beth! I have just started co-authoring a book on journaling for caregivers. I appreciate your comment!
That was an A+++++ interview with great questions and answers. Very professional and motivating. You are such an incredible communicator and ambassador for journaling. I like the reminder to journal for joy, too.
Hi Mary, your positive words made my morning. Thank you! ❤️
A wonderful explanation of journaling and mental health!
Thanks, Julie! I look forward to interviewing in our ZoomChat this Thursday :)