Lynda Monk

Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC, is the Director of the International Association for Journal Writing. She is a Registered Social Worker and a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. She has a speciality in therapeutic journaling for self-care, burnout prevention, personal growth, and resilience.
Lynda is co-editor, along with Eric Maisel, of two recent books including…
She is the co-author of Writing Alone Together: Journalling in a Circle of Women for Creativity, Compassion and Connection, as well as co-author of the international bestseller Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness. She is the author of an e-book called Life Source Writing: A Reflective Journaling Practice for Self-Discovery, Self-Care, Wellness and Creativity, and producer of the Creative Wellness Guided Meditations CD. She is currently writing Surrender: An Adoptee’s Memoir.
Lynda is an experienced facilitator and coach, and has supported thousands of people to go to the page and write for well-being, self-expression and personal growth. She has authored many in-person courses, workshops and writing retreats, as well as many online course offerings including Pen to Paper: Journaling for Self-Care & Wellness through the University of British Columbia and Dalhousie University. Her signature 6-week online group coaching, The Transformational Writing for Wellness Salon is available through the
As leader of the IAJW, she is committed to growing a vibrant learning and inspirational community for journal writers worldwide. Lynda lives with her husband, Peter, their two sons, Jackson and Jesse, and their beloved Sadie girl (a Golden Retriever) on Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada, where she tries her best to write every day.
The meditation included in this tool was originally included on a Creative Wellness Guided Meditations CD. That CD is no longer in production. These testimonials are from people who listened to the meditations on the CD...
"During the course of my busy life, one of the best ways to take care of myself is to recognize when to just stop and take the time to rejuvenate by not feeling as though I will be letting someone else down! I found the overall tone of the Creative Wellness Guided Meditations CD to be very soothing, the music was a lovely compliment to the messages being shared. I particularly found myself drawn to the self care track. As a busy caregiver with a bit of a superwoman complex, it was a very powerful reminder that in order to be effect and caring to other I must first care for myself properly. Listening to this meditation was like receiving a permission slip to take some time off to do what fulfills me most... and I accepted it (which never comes easily to me)- so thank you!"
~ Lisa Bleskie, Early Childhood Educator
"I used your CD in my group therapy session on Monday night, with overwhelmingly positive responses from my clients who are all working people with a variety of stressors and life struggles. We used #6, Progressive relaxation. This is particularly good for a number of reasons; Peter’s voice is very soothing, the rhythm and cadence of his speech not rushed nor excessively slow. This length of the exercise is perfect in that working people can easily wrap their minds around taking 10 minutes out of their day to practice the relaxation response. Well done!"
~ Julie Chambers, RN, Group Therapy Program
"When I started listening to Creative Wellness Mini-Retreats I thought I would enjoy the experience. One hour later I was thirsting for more, as one “retreat” beckoned me to the next, and the next. It’s as if Lynda Monk can see into your soul and deliver exactly the right words to inspire your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Soulful, calming, affirming and inspiring – a spectacular coaching experience on CD available when I need it! Thank you Lynda!"
~ Linda Dobson Sayer, Master Coach, Trainer, Consultant | Dobson Sayer & Associates