A Writing Exercise by Meryl Cook, IAJW Journal Council Expert & Member
At a recent Writing Circle through the International Association for Journal Writing, the topic was listening to our bodies. This topic was inspired by the book Writing from the Body for Writers, Artists and Dreamers Who Long to Free Their Voice by John Lee.
We used the writing prompt: Body, what do you want me to know?
Here is an excerpt from my response.
I want you to know I am here, part of you, carrying you. I want you to know you deserve to be here, you are whole, down to your very cells. I want you to know of life. That every part of you is alive and thriving, solid, protecting, dynamic. That we are an integrated system you and I.
That I’m here for you, giving you substance and form and that we need each other. You to nourish and cherish me and me to be here, be here now, solid, dynamic, alive, whole. I want you to know we are a team, you are my reason for being. I want you to know you are loved.
I really loved Meryl’s writing, in part because I could feel the power of her words and the way her writing shows evidence of how self-love can be nurtured through journaling.
Journaling Prompt: As you read this excerpt from the pages of Meryl’s journal, ask yourself: What loving message do I need and want to hear right now? Then take a few minutes and write it down, like a love letter to the self.
Guest Author: As a writer, artist and former homeopath with a focus on creativity and self kindness, Meryl Cook shares her introspective creative process along with a healthy dose of inspiration. Learn more at MerylCook.ca
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