Recently in our IAJW Journal Writing Tribe Facebook Group, I posted the following:
As a journaler and writer, I love the power of words! I always notice language, stories, quotes, books, and inspiration through words. For fun/interest, what is ONE word you have been noticing often during this past week?
Here are the words that have been offered from various members of our Facebook group…
pivot, unprecedented, surge, delight, thank you, silver linings, reset, gratitude, catalyst, pause, typically, abundance, shelter, context, perfect, grace, incubation, uncertainty, gaslighting, create, pandemic, cacophony, survive, social distancing, Zoom, plateau, flatten, lighthouse, isolation, virus, ventilator, love, hearts, grace, perfect
Step 1: Please create a journal entry, a poem, a story, anything at all by using as many of these words offered above in your writing.
Step 2: Share you writing in the comments below.
Let’s use words from this time as inspiration for our journaling, creative self-expression and sharing together. Have fun! I am working on my entry and will share it in the next couple of days too.
The first person to share their writing in a comment below will win a fun prize, because who doesn’t love to win a prize!
Thank you Zoom our lighthouse, in these unprecedented times of uncertainty, that has thrown us a cacophony of unfamiliar words like pandemic, incubation, isolation and social distancing. You are the catalyst bringing us together to pause create reset within an abundance of love gratitude and the shelter, of each other. We will survive, and flatten this virus.
Hi Lyn, I love this! Thank you for sharing your creative voice here. As promised in our Facebook group, the first person to share here wins a prize. The prize is any ebook on our website – you can find them here: https://journal-writing-product-category/journal-writing-e-books/
Simply email me your pick and I will send it your way! Your creative voice makes a difference!
Pause, says the pandemic.
Do not lose sight of silver linings.
Though fear and grief surge strong,
The true pulse of love beneath beats on.
It turns to light in a neighbor’s face.
To perfect grace in a child’s embrace.
Though your isolation lingers long,
The cacophony of love beats on.
Hi Renae, so nice to witness your creativity here! Thank you. “Love beats on.”
I love it!
The pandemic descended upon us,
The Age of Uncertainty born.
A cacophony of thoughts and theory,
With gaslighting soon the new norm.
A perfect return to normal,
Is promised by the man.
A return to grace and abundance,
As only the privileged can.
Unprecedented denial,
As deaths begin to surge.
And those we love are taken,
In a worldwide funeral dirge.
A pivot changes the context,
A reset, if you may.
Now we’re social distancing,
And keeping the virus at bay.
Silver linings abounding,
We delight in this pause of life.
But all too soon this shelter,
Leaves our hearts weary of strife.
Isolation, usually welcomed,
A catalyst to create,
Brings new incubation of fear,
And for some a reason to hate.
Doctors speak a new language,
Of flattening plateaus and peaks,
Diminution in points of data,
But of people, not one of them speaks.
And it’s people we all need,
As we reach out through Zoom and Skype.
Renewed gratitude is shared,
Avoiding politics and hype.
A thank you ending each day,
With no ventilator needed.
And the lighthouse so far away,
Is the vaccine so urgently needed.
Hi Wendy, this is poignant writing and I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for creating and sharing here.
Thank you!