It takes inspiration and practices to manifest your dreams and goals!
Maybe you have heard before that journaling is a powerful tool for getting clear on your goals? It is also a proven tool for improving your health and I know first hand how it can be used to help you take action towards your dreams.
Journaling helps you hear your wise inner voice AND it gives you the confidence to trust your desires!
Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut?
Are you exhausted from all the stress and uncertainty from these Covid times?
Are you longing for some fresh energy and inspiration?
Or maybe you want to learn some new ways to journal to actually manifest your dreams?
Everyone one of the speakers in this series uses journaling in their own life and businesses to not only define their goals but to make things happen! These speakers have accomplished incredible dreams in their own lives including things such as writing best selling books, building multiple six figure businesses, left careers, started again, transformed a health crisis and more!
Not only will you be inspired by their stories, they will share with you practical journaling techniques that you can use to manifest a life of your dreams!
These 6 interviews were part of a Go To The Page Speaker Series and were only available for a limited time during the event.
Then I started getting emails from people saying they were sad the interviews were over, for example here a note I received from Gail Braverman, one of our wonderful IAJW Members and she wrote …
Hello Lynda, I just finished your Go to the Page Speaker Series. I will wake up tomorrow and be sad that it is over!! What a wonderful selection of speakers and information. Each had their very own flavor, energy and enthusiasm for journalling and its applications. They were all so very genuine, generous, and it was clear how passionate they are about the writing process andhow it enhanced and even saved their lives.
Thank you once again, Lynda, for an extraordinary experience of the journaling process, being in community, and the many ways it can be used to help others.
What a gift!!!! ~ Gail Braverman
SO I decided to make these interviews available in a timeless way by turning them into this affordable video course!
If you already heard these interviews and want to listen to them again, (one woman sent me a note to say she had listened to them 4x already!) or if you missed this incredible event and want to be inspired by these interviews, you can access them immediately and enjoy them in your own time!
But don’t wait to listen to them, the ideas and journaling techniques shared here can truly change your life and you will learn specific journaling activities that can help you manifest your dreams and goals!
Buy now, you will be glad you did!
I have to write and say how absolutely wonderful this speaker series has been. Not only did I use some of the techniques to bust through some forgiveness issues with several people who are important to me, but I also used a few of the suggestions with physical fitness clients of mine. It has empowered me to rethink how I use my own journaling practice and I’m eager to experiment more with all the techniques, tips and tricks. Just this morning I used Thursday’s speaker’s “three questions” and came up with something I didn’t expect. Thank you, thank you. ~ Courtenay Schurman