From Journal Entry to Personal Essay with Sheila Bender

From Journal Entry to Personal Essay with Sheila Bender

Are you ready to make the leap and move from writing a journal entry to writing a personal essay–whether or not you know what you want to write about? From Journal Entry to Personal Essay is a four week* structured immersion in ideas, resources, writing exercises, and individual feedback for those who want to write a personal essay.

What makes this offer exceptional is not only the materials that you’ll receive but that you’ll that you’ll also get individual, one-on-one feedback from Sheila Bender on your 1500 word draft!

“Many thanks for the opportunity to learn from the well designed, and interesting format.
I enjoyed working through the content and may consider another course in the future.”  – Susan Beiderwieden

*Please know, you can work at your own pace and complete this course in a week or take your time over a couple of months.  Everything you need is here to proceed in the time-frame that feels right to you.

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Are you ready to make the leap and move from writing a journal entry to writing a personal essay–whether or not you know what you want to write about? From Journal Entry to Personal Essay is a 4-week online course that offers you the chance to create a polished personal essay from a journal entry with the help of instructor Sheila Bender.

Course Overview

Lesson 1 – Using Sensory Imagery to Benefit Your Writing
• A podcast about my approach to new writing
• Writing exercises for using sensory imagery to invite your design mind into your writing
• Directions on looking for a journal entry to expand into a personal essay

Lesson 2 – What is the Personal Essay?
• Four styles of the personal essays
• How each is organized
• Learn the life questions that each essay style helps address

Lesson 3 – Narrative Flash Nonfiction
• What is Flash Nonfiction and why we write it
• How to write the short (flash nonfiction) narration essay
• How this style uses description and time to answer a life question

Lesson 4 – Editing, Revising and Self-editing Tips
• Personal response from the instructor on your flash narration essay
• Self-editing guidelines
• Tips on where to publish what you’ve written

Imagine being able to turn a journal entry into a personal essay that you could submit for publication or share with others if you wish. This course helps you deepen your writing craft while staying connected to your personal stories. Let the writing begin!


Sheila Bender

Sheila Bender

Sheila Bender is the founder and publisher of, a resource community for those who write from personal experience. She is the author of the poetry collection, Behind Us the Way Grows Wider, the prose memoir A New Theology: Turning to Poetry in a Time of Grief and many books on writing, including Sorrow’s Words: Writing Exercises to Heal Grief, Writing in a Convertible with the Top Down, and Writing Personal Essays: Shaping and Sharing Your Life Experience. She was the 2013 Distinguished Guest Lecturer in Poetry at Seattle University and teaches for Centrum Foundation in Port Townsend, WA where she lives, as well as for other writers’ conferences. Her motto when it comes to teaching the writing process is that as creators we must think this way: when you are drafting there is no such thing as bad writing, only the opportunity for good writing.

"Many thanks for the opportunity to learn from the well designed, and interesting format. I enjoyed working through the content and may consider another course in the future." Susan Beiderwieden

“You have given me the courage to take my writing seriously. Your excellent editing has shown me the way forward.” Suzy Beal

“Most of all, I’m very appreciative, Sheila, of the curriculum you designed, the care you took with our writing and the encouragement and enthusiasm you provided.” Joan Weber

“Thanks so much for your wise and thoughtful trimming. You are amazing. I imagine others have told you the same thing over the years. We writers have trouble with letting go of those phrases we are wedded to and, yet, less is more, and a good editor can trim redundancy much easier than the writer.” Nyla Dartt

“I don’t know if you realize how much you have given me, or made possible for me. Certainly, I’m not building a resume at this stage in life, but I am increasingly loving what I’m doing or attempting to do and spending more and more time in my re-invented writing life…” Nancy Levinson

Get From Journal Entry to Personal Essay with Sheila Bender here


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