Beth Jacobs, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and life-time journaler, and the combination has led to a career in therapeutic writing, and several books, including Writing for Emotional Balance (New Harbinger Publishers, 2005), Paper Sky: What Happened After Anne Frank’s Diary Ended (CreateSpace, 2014), Grandparents Rock (edited writings from an expressive writing group, CreateSpace, 2015), The Original Buddhist Psychology (North Atlantic Books, 2017), and A Buddhist Journal: Guided Practices for Writers and Meditators (North Atlantic Books, release date summer, 2018). She is a long-standing member of the National Association for Poetry Therapy and writes a column for NAPT called The Journaler’s Corner. Beth has also served on the faculty of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine for over twenty years.

Beth has followed where her interests lead in the creative and expressive possibilities for deepening the experience of life. This has resulted in many adventures, workshops, fascinating studies and enriching connections. She is happy to share the love of writing on the IAJW Council.