The Power of Daily Practice Webinar

The Power of Daily Practice Webinar

Who doesn’t believe that daily practice is a good idea? Yet most people don’t realize the extent to which daily practice can make the difference between living or not living your life purposes, manifesting your creativity or not manifesting your creativity, and creating meaning or not creating meaning. Learn about the power of daily practice from Dr. Eric Maisel, IAJW Council Member and America’s foremost creativity coach.

In this webinar, you will learn:

+ The fundamental importance of daily practice

+ The relationships among daily practice, meaning & purpose

+ The eight keys to daily practice

+ Varieties of daily practice – what’s available to you?

+ Challenges to daily practice – and what to do about them!

Buy now for immediate access to this 60 minute webinar, worksheet, slide handout, plus a bonus 30 minute Q&A video, and reflective learning prompts!

IAJW Members save an additional 20% off, simply be logged in when you add this to your cart and your savings will be automatically discounted!


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The Power of Daily Practice

How to Overcome Resistance, Increase Productivity, and Live the Life of Your Dreams

Daily practice can make a positive difference in every area of your life.

  • What is daily practice, really?
  • What types of daily practices are effective to help you overcome resistance, procrastination and overwhelm?
  • How can daily practice increase your productivity and support you to focus on what matters most in your days and your life?

Learn all of this and more in this inspiring and informative webinar and bonus Q&A with Dr. Eric Maisel, America’s foremost creativity coach.

Buy now and get immediate access to this webinar, Q&A and worksheet to guide your learning and capture your takeaways from this inspiring learning opportunity!

Eric Maisel, Ph.D.

Eric Maisel, Ph.D., is the author of more than fifty books, among them Overcoming Your Difficult Family, The Future of Mental Health, Rethinking Depression, Life Purpose Boot Camp, The Van Gogh Blues, Mastering Creative Anxiety, Why Smart People Hurt, Coaching the Artist Within, Ten Zen Seconds, Humane Helping, A Writer’s San Francisco and A Writer’s Paris.

A retired family therapist, active life coach and creativity coach, and mental health advocate in the areas of critical psychology and critical psychiatry, Dr. Maisel writes the Rethinking Mental Health blog for Psychology Today, lectures nationally and internationally, facilitates deep writing workshops in locations like San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, and Rome, and presents keynote addresses for organizations as diverse as the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry and the International Association of Pastel Societies.

Get The Power of Daily Practice Webinar here



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