90 Day Journal for Hope

90 Day Journal for Hope

Hope can feel in very short supply nowadays. How easy it is to forget to be hopeful! Maybe our job is hard, maybe our family situation is taxing, maybe world events are demoralizing us. One way to maintain hope is to remind ourselves every single day via journaling that today is a day to be hopeful. The resonant quotes and heart-opening journal prompts you’ll find in 90 Days of Hope will prove powerful daily reminders that hope is the real answer.

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Each Eric Maisel Wellness Journal is a beautiful, thought-provoking ninety-day companion on your journey of self-exploration, growth, and healing.

You can use our journals to journal every day. Or you might use the quotes and prompts as meditations and affirmations. Or you might read them straight through for a truly powerful experience. In whatever way you use them, our journals will provide you with keen insights and heart-felt inspiration.

We’ve created a line of mind-expanding and heart-helping journals that provide you with powerful experiences—and at a very low cost. If just one quote or one prompt moves you deeply or opens your eyes to new possibilities, that would be worth the price of admission. Please enjoy this brand-new Eric Maisel Wellness Journal series.

Eric Maisel, Ph.D.

Eric Maisel, Ph.D., is the author of more than fifty books, among them Overcoming Your Difficult Family, The Future of Mental Health, Rethinking Depression, Life Purpose Boot Camp, The Van Gogh Blues, Mastering Creative Anxiety, Why Smart People Hurt, Coaching the Artist Within, Ten Zen Seconds, Humane Helping, A Writer’s San Francisco and A Writer’s Paris.

A retired family therapist, active life coach and creativity coach, and mental health advocate in the areas of critical psychology and critical psychiatry, Dr. Maisel writes the Rethinking Mental Health blog for Psychology Today, lectures nationally and internationally, facilitates deep writing workshops in locations like San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, and Rome, and presents keynote addresses for organizations as diverse as the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry and the International Association of Pastel Societies.

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