Transformational Journaling for Coaches, Therapists, and Clients
A Complete Guide to the Benefits of Personal Writing
In Transformational Journaling for Coaches, Therapists, and Clients: A Complete Guide to the Benefits of Personal Writing, more than 50 coaches, therapists, and journaling experts from around the world share their best practices and explain in detail how they use journaling to improve their work with clients.
This edited collection brings together the leading voices of the journaling world into one ground-breaking volume, providing practical techniques and tools to use with clients. Applicable and accessible, over 50 journaling luminaries share their experiences and insights across eight sections, including the logic of journaling, techniques and applications, using journaling with clients, journaling in groups, journaling for mental health and wellness, growth and healing, spirituality, creativity, and more. Through theoretical and practical applications, it illustrates the transformational process of journaling in helping clients grow, heal, and achieve their goals.
This book is essential reading for coaches, therapists, and other mental health professionals, as well as those interested in using personal writing for growth and self-awareness.
“Duncans quote I’ve been a therapist for more than fifty years and have been journaling since I was in college. This new book edited by Monk and Maisel is a powerful and practical resource for those who want to help themselves and help their clients survive and thrive in today’s topsy-turvy world. You could spend thousands of dollars at conferences developing new skills and not get the value you will receive from this wonderful book. I highly recommend it.”
Jed Diamond, PhD, author, The Enlightened Marriage and 12 Rules for Good Men